FAST45 Labs & Workshops

FAST45 workshops and test labs contribute to the development of FAST45 Art School Futures Labs: an artistically inspired workshop model to discuss and co-create future images of higher arts education.

The workshop and test labs investigate the feasibility of selected group working methods and structures while generating stimulating and insightful futures images. The workshop's group working methods combine futures thinking and artistically inspired data generation and interpretation methods drawing from artistic forms: operational logic, creative play, and modes of representation.

The workshop objectives are:

• to experiment with different arts-based approaches to see how they can be combined with futures thinking and futures methodologies

• to test how different arts-based methods could be used for the co-reflection and co-creation of futures images

• to form feasible approaches for Art School Futures Labs.

The test-lab objectives are:

• to investigate the feasibility of different futures lab structures for the ArtsSchool Futures Labs

• to investigate the feasibility and impact of different participant groups to find the most helpful participant mixes for the Arts School Futures Labs

• continued testing of arts-based methods as part of the test labs.

In the feasibility study, selected arts-based approaches will be assessed for their practicality to generate futures materials, stimulate the creation of futures images that have relevance for higher arts education institutions, and help interpret such images. The study aims to shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of the examined approaches, opportunities and threats embedded in these approaches, the resources required to use these methods, and eventually their potential for success in futures workshop contexts. The task is to judge what value and at what cost arts-based approaches add to futures workshops in higher arts education institutions.

What's happening:

FAST45 Summer School

What has happened:

Workshops with Conexiones improbables

Future Art School Test Labs at LUCA School of Arts